by Smith/Jaspers/Stencil
- Wrocław Version 37:27
- Spite-Blank Scansion 28:20
Released by Karl Schmidt Verlag
Listen and buy the record here: bandcamp
“Pointillistic songs deferred for the subsequent world of sleek bleep protesters and the resignation of the street are blind to the reformed content of top-canter arcs. Peak computer buzz controls a brilliant half-dozen eruptions of improbable synthesis, while Naples’ violent turntable aesthetic lifts textbook shuffles to harass immolated numbers. The surge is hands-on. Zines saw protests into blinding coefficients. Peaceful arpeggios are strictly off-white and deeply Brooklyn. Suicide systems gel salty borders. A spine tucked into a hairnet, Smith Jaspers Stencil model themselves on dark tantric warnings and fracture the partitioning flood.”
released April 27, 2013
Stan Stencil: live analogue video
Wouter Jaspers: electronics and treatments
Tom Smith: vcls, txt, electronics
Composed and performed by Smith Jaspers Stencil
Original recording by Karl at Firiej, Wrocław, 25 Oct 12. Edit and remix by Tom Smith at KSV HQ, Dec 2012-Feb 2013
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-napoca
Design: Lear L @ Gold Olympian, Eindhoven