- Weltraumförscher 10:07
- Die Schwerelosigkeit 16:13
- Umkreisen 13:19
Released by Moving Furniture Records
Listen and buy the record here: bandcamp
It was late 2004 when Spanish label CONV released Textures and Mobiles, by Jos Smolders, in a limited run of only 100 CDr’s. This amazing album was based on a limited set of sounds: dtmf and ccitt tones that were generated by telephones and pure sine waves that interfere with each other. It came in like a wrecking ball! For us at least. A couple of years later, at Jos’ birthday party, we used samples of this album in a celebratory live performance. A couple of more years and years later we decided to make a recycle / remix project out of it, processed Jos’ original sounds, added some of our own spices and poured the results into this album.
You Are The Universe is the latest album by Preliminary Saturation, a duo consisting of Steffan de Turck and Wouter Jaspers.
Recorded & edited by Steffan de Turck & Wouter Jaspers
Mastered by Jos Smolders at EARLabs
Artwork by Wouter Jaspers