- A Hand For The Crippled 03:26
- We Bring Light 04:08
- Our Russia 04:35
- Playgrounds 06:28
Released by MOLL
Listen and buy the record here: bandcamp
Precursor for We Bring Light
Wouter Jaspers and Frans de Waard will be on tour again in November and in order to prepare this, they went into the studio, recorded some great music and then decided to something else on the road afterwards. The studio sessions consisted on playing on all the analogue synthesizers there (Moog Prodigy, Korg MS20, Roland Sh 01, Juno 60) and they common theme is love songs, ballads even if you want. They were mixed afterwards adding some extra material (field recordings, electronics) and doesn’t sound at all like the previous release ‘Komeet’. For the tour they choose four pre-mixes as a tour item and it will be for sale until ‘We Bring Light’ is fully mixed and released. Spacious synth songs!
released March 26, 2013